Scientific Method - Practical Research Experiment

The problem we are aiming to solve is what car company McDonald's should advertise on their drive-thru wrappers. The McDonald's on Verity Parkway will have more Ford automobiles go through the drive-thru than any other brand. If more Ford's go through the drive-thru, then we can conclude that McDonald's should advertise for Ford. We believe Fords will be the most popular at the McDonald's drive-thru because a Ford dealership is within five minutes of the McDonald's.

Materials and Methods
As a group, we will go to McDonald's for separate intervals of time and record the number of each car brand that passes through the drive-thru. We will tally the numbers and add them up at the end of the day. We will use paper, pencils, and calculators to acquire our research.

On the first day of research, we found that Ford was the most popular brand at the drive-thru. There were 26 Fords, 15 Chevys, four Jeeps, seven Hyundais, 12 Hondas, four Pontiacs, and two Dodges. There was a total of 70 cars that we tallied within our two hour study. On our second day of research we found that Ford was still the most popular brand with a total of 23 automobiles. Dodge came in second, coming up with 15 automobiles through the drive-thru. Other than those two, we had 11 Chevys, six Hondas, four Mazdas, nine Jeeps, and 12 Toyotas. In this session we tallied 80 cars, which when added to the first day of research we have 150 total automobiles.
After our research, we concluded that Ford was the most popular brand going through the McDonald's drive-thru. I would suggest that Ford advertise at McDonald's because it is the most popular car brand there. Possible sources of error could be the time we went to get our research because different brands could go through the drive- thru at different times. Different variables that could change the data of our experiment could be the location of the McDonald's.

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